LSAT Minutes: November 14, 2017

VanNessa Duckett
Maria Maya
Abby Sparrow
Taereness Griffin
Elizabeth Nelson
Sean Dillon
Amber Gove
Susan Wall

1. Chancellors goals–all teachers 3-5 are tracking student data, looking into getting parents to log into iReady at home, students are expected to be online 45 min per week for iReady. Please refer to document from Ms. Griffin for specific goals.

2. Move to EH–Stefany drafted a one pager for what to expect and ways for families to help. There is a Sign Up Genius page for volunteers. This information will be sent via Tuesday folders and the listserve. Discussed possibility of Bookstore Movers to move special items. Dec 1 is packing day/prof dev for teachers. Dec 11 the entire student body will take a field trip to EH for an orientation. Evening Open Houses for families to come see the new space Dec 1-16.

3. Transportation–DDOT is putting in 2 raised crosswalks before Jan as well as curb extensions, working on handout w site map, encourage parents to activate D.C. One cards for bus travel.

Posted in LSAT Minutes.