#ObserveEverything October

OBSERVE…. EVERYTHING!2nd graders complete an #ObserveEverything challenge. This month’s work was inspired by one of my favorite programs on National Public Radio– Science Friday. Science Friday has a Science Club online. For one month, they asked pe…

Mrs. Ford on NPR!

Science Friday Science Club: Observe Everything #ObserveEverything Mrs. Ford segment starts at 11:17 and goes through the minute 15:24. Vanessa talks about why students are so good at observation. Please listen in and hear how fantastic she is!

How to Post Articles to the Maury Website

Below is a FAQ of how to post an article to your WordPress website. If you have additional questions or just need help, please email Chris. To perform the below tasks you will have to be logged into the Maury Elementary instance of WordPress. How do I create a Title for my Article? Click in the area at the very top […]