Minutes: PTA Meeting January 2023

PTA Meeting Maury Elementary Common Room Thurs, Jan. 20 CLICK TO JUMP TO A SECTION | Treasurer’s Update | Principal’s Update | Eliot Hine Principal & Student Panel | DIO Awards Attending: Principal Payne Chauvenet, Presidents Shavanna Miller and Amy Toner; Vice President Lora Nunn; Treasurer Clark Bosslet; Parliamentarians Kathryn Wright and Karli Maloney; Secretary […]

PTA Minutes September 2022

Maury PTA Full Meeting Sept 15 2022 In Person at Maury Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 6 p.m. 88 in attendance. Introduction of the Executive: Co-Presidents: Shavanna Miller (SM), Amy Toner Equity Co-Chairs: Sandro Peretti, Talia Dubovi Co-Parliamentarians: Kathryn Wright, Karli Maloney Vice President: Lora Nunn Treasurer: Clark Bosslet (email us if you’d like to be […]

Maury PTA

Maury PTA Meets Sept. 15 at School

Calling all Maury Parents! The first meeting of the Maury PTA takes place this Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6 p.m. in-person and live in the Maury ES common space. Free babysitting and pizza are offered. The agenda is below! We hope to see you there! PTA Meeting Agenda Thursday, Sept 15, 6pm Executive Team Introductions […]

Minutes from May PTA Meeting

6 p.m. Thursday, May 19 2022 Meeting of the full Maury PTA. Peak: 25 attendees. PTA Executive Officer Election: The new executive was elected unopposed as a slate. Officers assume roles as of the conclusion of the meeting, except the Treasurer, who assumes responsibilities at the end of the fiscal year (June 30). June is […]